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Save time browsing, buying, & sharing

- Provide quality masks for any occasion 

- Provide films, videos, news, and events




- Make life a cherished event

- Inspire creativity and expression

- Enrich lifestyles, diversity & individuality 



MASKAPADE is a curator and distributer of unique and hi-end masks. Our designers span across the globe from Italy, East Asia, to Europe. 


Centuries old tradition, our Venice artisans continue their craftsmanship with hand made masks of intricate detail and sophistication, leaving no room for imitations. 


A mask is where function meets art.  Wearing an art piece is highest form of expression, enriching your presence to ink an impression;  for an event, photo shoot, film or a live performance.


The Maskapade team is made up of film, music, and theatre enthusiasts.  We continuously inspire our artisans to reveal their innate talents, and bring their art to life through you. 


On the behalf of our artists,  we thank you for the opportunity to be our Customer.  The greatest compliment is seeing your in our masks. 

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